Daytime events are free of charge, and require no tickets, but workshops are limited to no more than twenty participants. First-come, first-serve.
11:30am-12:30pm - Voice Workshop with April Ranger, Robert Frost Hall Room 302 - a performance workshop focused on vocal intonation, vocal warm-ups, and stage presence, using a variety of techniques including Linklater training. April is a graduate of Emerson College, the current (2008) Individual NorthBeast Regional Champion, represented the Cantab Lounge at the 2009 Individual World Poetry Slam, and was a member of 2008 Cantab Poetry Team which made it into finals at the National Poetry Slam.
1pm-2pm - Beginning With The Body with JeFF Stumpo, Robert Frost Hall Room 321 - While your poems on the page may begin with a word, on stage they begin with your body. From the moment you step into the lights, and sometimes even before, you're performing. This is a short workshop in being more deliberate in your body language - cuing the audience to remember words and phrases through repeated actions, breathing, the significance of gestures, and brainstorming through motion. JeFF Stumpo is a performance poet whose work has been taught in university classrooms in Illinois, Ohio, Louisiana, and Texas. He recently taught workshops in performance to high school students and adults at the Poetry Festival at Round Top, TX. To see some of his pieces (and a few team pieces he helped guide), visit his website at and check out the Stage area.
2:30pm-3:30pm - Slam Writing Workshop with Sam Teitel, Robert Frost Hall Room 320 - This will be a workshop for people interested in fine-tuning their poetry for slam or just picking up some helpful exercises and tricks of the trade. The workshop will begin with a writing prompt and then anyone who wants to can have a poem of their choice workshopped by the group. For this workshop, please bring paper and something to write with, and if you plan to workshop a poem, it is appreciated (but not required) that you bring several copies for people to share. Sam Teitel has been a member of two National Poetry Slam teams, Slam Free or Die (out of Manchester, NH) in 2008 and Portland, ME in 2009. He was one half of the "Two Sensitive Guys" cross-country poetry tour along with Steve Subrizi. Sam recently graduated from Hampshire College with a thesis entitled "Poetry. Performance. Punk Rock." Sam currently runs the Bridge Cafe Slam Writing Workshop along with Mark Palos on Saturday mornings following a poetry night.
3:30pm-5pm - Open Mic, Robert Frost Hall Room 302 - An open mic for anyone who would like to share their poetry, slam or otherwise, with a room full of good listeners.